Volunteer at the VBA Clinic & Pharmacy
Why Volunteer?
Listen to how one of our volunteers answered this question…
“At the end of the day, you can walk out of the building, knowing that you have made a difference in someone’s life!
You may have been the only hope that person had – and you have given it to them with compassion and ensured their dignity.”

Volunteering Opportunities
Volunteers are the heartbeat of the clinic and pharmacy. The best way to be involved is to volunteer your time and talents. We need volunteers in every aspect of our operation and offer opportunities for medical and non-medical personnel.
Physicians, P.A.'s & Other Medical Professionals
Will see patients in the Clinic or if a specialty doctor has their own practice, they have the option of seeing a patient in their office. All medical professionals must have an active Florida License. Also seeking Wellness, Nutritionists & Dietitians.
Pharmacists & Technicians
Pharmacists must have an active Florida license. They will assist the Lead Pharmacist in filling prescriptions for VBA Clinic patients. Technicians assist the Pharmacist in performing their duties and must have a current Florida Pharmacy Technician Certificate.
Non-Medical Volunteers
An important part of our Clinic & Pharmacy for a variety of tasks, and are always needed. Community Events, Special Projects, Development & Media.
Clinic & Pharmacy Front Office Volunteers
Volunteers in both areas will answer the phone, make appointments for patients, make reminder phone calls, using a computer and responsible for various other front office duties. Pharmacy Volunteers will take orders for prescriptions and refills, and they may also assist in giving patients their prescriptions.
Working directly with the medical team to scan paperwork into the computer system as well as entering data in the medical computer program.
Volunteers will be trained & certified to meet the Florida State Department of Health Eligibility criteria requirements. Screeners meet with patients to determine eligibility for services for VBA Clinic & Pharmacy.
Volunteer Applications
Please download, print and complete the appropriate application:
Medical Application
Non-medical Application
For More Information, contact
Noreen Chervinski
Director of Operations and Volunteers
941-766-9570 Ext. 114