Dr. David Klein Donor Reception


The critical need for our services continues to grow above and beyond the opportunities available through the Affordable Care Act. With your support, the Virginia B. Andes Volunteer Community (VBA) Clinic and Pharmacy can continue to provide health care for the thousands of uninsured and under-insured residents in Charlotte County.

No donation is too large or too small. 100% of your donation remains with the VBA Clinic and helps to save lives right here in Charlotte County.

How to Donate

  • Make an Online Donation using the form on this page. You may use your PayPal account or a major credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover)
  • If you would like more information on legacy giving, donating funds or stocks, please contact Suzanne Roberts by phone at (941) 766-9570. (“Please leave a voicemail, I WILL call you back.”)

You may make a one-time donation or set up monthly donations. Your support is gratefully appreciated!

All donations to the Virginia B. Andes Volunteer Community Clinic are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Why the VBA Clinic is SO Important…

Testimonial: Paula and Mike are a hardworking couple. They are accustomed to paying their own way. A few years ago, they both lost their jobs and with that, their health insurance. They have been struggling ever since to make ends meet.

They knew Mike needed medical attention, but had no where to turn and no money to pay.

Then, an article in The Charlotte SUN about the Virginia B. Andes Volunteer Community Clinic caught their eye. Paula urged Mike to put aside his pride and go for an exam. He did and was diagnosed with Naso-Pharyngeal Carcinoma – cancer of the throat. Radiation treatments have begun at Moffit Oncology Center (his prognosis is good) and Mike and Paula have embarked upon a course of care with a team of compassionate professionals at their side…free of charge. They are not alone anymore.

It could easily have been a very different story. “I can’t describe how wonderful everyone at the Clinic is,” said Paula. “When we are back on our feet, we will give back to the Virginia B. Andes Volunteer Clinic. Promise!”